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Supports Healthy Lungs In Equine Athletes

  • Non-prescription
  • Supports healthy lungs in equine athletes
  • Helps prevent EIPH in performance horses
  • Promotes healing of damaged lungs in bleeders
  • Promotes optimum airway health in horses
  • No withdrawal times
  • No Banned substances
  • All-natural, no drugs!
  • Cost-effective

Stop the bleeding with SynAir!

Available in two sizes:

SynAir- EIPH (Bleeding) Management For Horses

  • Synergistic endogenous and herbal nutrients designed to prevent Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH, bleeding) and improve performance

    SynAir was developed specifically to help prevent Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH) and to promote lung healing in racehorses that are bleeders. It is a synergistic combination of endogenous and herbal nutrients. The ingredients in our exclusive formula promote vasodilation, bronchodilation, and regeneration of damaged pulmonary blood vessels. It also contains Vitamin B6 to improve oxygen exchange at the muscle level. EIPH (Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage) or bleeding is one of the most costly and debilitating health issues directly related to horse racing. Even though bleeding is most often considered a problem for racehorses, EIPH also affects a number of other equine athletes.  In fact, barrel racing horses and eventing horses commonly suffer from bleeding during competition. The medications that effectively prevent bleeding are either banned from horse racing or have withdrawal times that limit their efficacy for race day use. SynAir contains only natural ingredients with no drugs. Since there are no banned substances in SynAir, there are no testing issues! Let SynAir help your racehorses stop bleeding and run to their full potential! Recommended Use from the Doctor SynAir was developed to control bleeding or Exercise Induced-Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH) in racehorses and other equine athletes.  The idea is to treat bleeders for several days before and after a work or race.  In practice though, racehorses that bleed with furosemide are treated daily and get a double dose on race day.  Many trainers have effectively managed EIPH in their chronic bleeders.  Numerous horses that were chronic bad bleeders have stopped bleeding altogether. The formulation utilizes a synergistic blend of nutrients with a goal to bronchodilate, stop bleeding, and heal EIPH-damaged lung tissue.

  • No returns or refunds.

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